The Grand Vin is the product of exceptional terroirs from the former Léoville estate.
These terroirs are located mainly in the Clos Léoville Las Cases, which you pass as you leave Saint- Julien village for Pauillac. They extend over nearly 60ha producing Cabernet Sauvignons and Cabernet Francs with a complex, polished expression and characteristics which are totally unique to the Grand Vin of Léoville du Marquis de Las Cases and have been widely recognized for years.
1982 Chateau Leoville Las Cases Bordeaux - 100 Pts! Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its...
1982 Chateau Leoville-Las Cases Bordeaux Magnum - 100 Pts! Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its...
1985 Chateau Leoville-Las Cases Bordeaux Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its wines continue to reach...
1986 Chateau Leoville-Las Cases Bordeaux - 98 pts! Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its wines...
1986 Leoville-Las Cases Bordeaux Magnum - 99 Pts! Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its wines...
1989 Chateau Leoville-Las Cases Bordeaux - 96 pts! Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its wines...
1989 Chateau Leoville-Las Cases Bordeaux Magnum - 96 pts! Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its...
2000 Chateau Leoville-Las Cases - 99 Pts! Chateau Leoville Las Cases is today among the most emblematic estates of the prestigious Saint-Julien appellation located on the Left Bank from the Bordeaux region. Its wines continue...