Jean Hoefliger has been making wine in the Napa Valley since 2001, and began a new chapter in his global wine career when he partnered with Rob McKay to create THE DEBATE. Jean’s winemaking style pushes the envelope to maximize the potential of every wine he makes. Jean is a true believer in pushing for perfection and authenticity in every vintage, and each vintage of THE DEBATE is a blank canvas in that endeavor.

Rob McKay, a California native, has long been an advocate of the wine industry. In addition to his thirst and passion for all things wine, his experience as an investor and philanthropist position him perfectly to participate in THE DEBATE. The friendship between Jean Hoefliger and Rob McKay, forged in the opening year of Alpha Omega Winery in 2006, laid the foundation for The Debate Wine. Rob's significant investment in the winery brought them together, but it was their shared passion for fine wine and their mutual love for discussions spanning sports, politics, and life that solidified their bond. The birth of The Debate Wine in 2010 was a testament to their desire to create something that transcended mere namesake, embodying the essence of their shared pursuits and the enduring significance of their friendship in the world of winemaking.

As a partner in THE DEBATE, Chelsea brings her strategic know-how and flair to the forefront, helping THE DEBATE navigate the exciting world of wine. However, Chelsea's role goes beyond business. She's not only Jean Hoefliger's life partner but also considers Rob McKay, Jean's closest friend and co-founder, as family. THE DEBATE team embodies the ethos of respectful debate and conversation, constantly challenging each other to maximize the potential of our wines. Together, we form a close-knit family united by our passion for wine, a commitment to excellence, and a shared dedication to crafting extraordinary vintages that spark meaningful discussions and celebrations.